Oct 5, 2010

End of My Story

every story has an end, and today is the end of my story; story that i ever asked God for.
of course it's really sad at the end of story, but life keeps moving on and i have to move on.
no matter how, i must continue the trip and find another story.

i will grow up from this point, cos i've already had a lot of things to remember and to share with another.
at least this ended story has taught me so many lessons and brought me to the life i never imagined.

Thanks God for grating me this story...

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  1. semoga apa yang kau anggap berakhir itu sesungguhnya adalah awalan yang baik untukmu, kawan :)

  2. trims banget Ikha.. semoga akhir ini menjadi awalan yang baik bagiku.
    sekali lagi trims ya Ikha, sangat menguatkan diriku.. :-)


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